
The BEST Martial Arts school in Augusta GA sends 5 fighters to W.A.K.O. World Kickboxing Championships! Part 1

The BEST Martial Arts school in Augusta GA sends 5 fighters to W.A.K.O. World Kickboxing Championships! Dublin, Ireland 2011


Best Martial Arts School in the Augusta/Evans GA Sends 5 To World Kickboxing Championships! Part 2

The BEST Martial Arts school in Augusta GA sends 5 fighters to W.A.K.O. World Kickboxing Championships! Dublin, Ireland 2011


North American Kickboxing Championships Held in Toronto, Canada this year!

WAKO North American Tournament Scheduled for May 31 – June 1 in Toronto, Canada

                              WAKO North American Tournament Scheduled for May 31 – June 1 in Toronto, Canada

Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 2014 WAKO North American Championships in Toronto, Ontario, Canada May 31 – June 1, 2014. This will be an incredible event as this tournament takes place during the Toronto Supershow and will feature competition in five (5) rule styles: Light Contact, KICK-LIGHT, Full Contact, Low Kick, and K1 Rules. Divisions will be separated by experience (Novice: 0-9 Bouts & Open: 10+ Bouts) and by age (10-12yrs, 13-15yrs, 16-18yrs, 19yrs +)

The Toronto Supershow has modeled itself after the Arnold Classic with a series of sporting competitions under the same roof. The Supershow has the largest fitness expo in Canada. There will be over 100 booths featuring nutrition, training and fitness products. The other events will include: Powerlifting, Arm Wrestling, Strength Contests, Women’s Fitness, Women’s Bodybuilding, Men’s Bodybuilding.

For more information on the PRO SUPERSHOW events please go to the event website:


To register for the tournament, use the registration forms below. There is a separate form for each athlete. Please make copies if needed.


All corner persons must register to work any athlete’s corner. Coaches will receive a coaching pass that will allow them access to the venue on all three days. Please see the Coaches Registration form below.


All teams must book themselves into the North American Championship Host Hotel directly: Bond Place Hotel – 65 Dundas Street East | Toronto, Ontario | Phone Number +1 (416) 362.6063. Mention the North American Kickboxing Championship when booking for our special rate.

Expect lots of media coming to cover the first North American Championship. Make this a weekend trip for your club! You can participate in the WAKO tournament; watch other sporting events, enjoy the Fitness Expo – all while enjoying the excitement of downtown Toronto! Be a part of history!

2014 WAKO North American Kickboxing Championships Poster

Invitation Letter.pdf

Information at a Glance.pdf

Fighter Registration Form.pdf

Coaches Registration Form.pdf


Training Memoirs: Day 38

By: Terrance Daniel Barber

August 10, 2011 at 12:29am

Kickboxing and Jiu jitsu instruction in Augusta

Best kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu instruction in Augusta is at Greubel’s MMA

First day back in Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing after a long hiatus and it didn’t go so bad.  Had my mouth piece in so I could get used to breathing with it in.

Mark Greubel (far right) coaching team USA

Best Kickboxing instruction in Augusta

In  we worked clinch transitions after doing some lunges (shuffle steps for the wrestlers…which was the majority of the class) to warm up the legs and .   First was a self-defense step-in into double underhooks.  First, you put your hands on your eyebrows and palms on your skull (so if you take a strike you don’t get hit with your own hands and you can actually see) and keep your elbows together (so for the next part you don’t catch a knee).  Next you step in (and drop your level) to bump them in the stomach with your elbow to get them off-balance.  Then you break your shield, shoot in and wrap them up in underhooks, your head is on their, and step to the side.  Make sure you bump then hook cause if you try to grab early you can get countered.  Also suck them in to your hip and make sure your hip isn’t poking out or you’ll leave space for them to counter or make your job more difficult.

Chris Elms with Master Marcelo Garcia

Best Jiu jitsu instruction Augusta

Next on the competition side, we learned how to break out of a single neck tie and get a neck tie and elbow control.  First, the neck tie is simply getting a hand om the back of your opponents’ neck (or the base of their skull but I think that’s more for the Thai clinch).  To break it, first you put your forehead to theirs so if they try to pull you down, they go with you.  Next, assuming they grab you with their right (left), you snake your left (right) hand in and grab their neck and step to your right (left).  As you step, you change your grip on their neck from the left (right) as the left (right) will control the elbow.  For elbow control, you grab around their elbow with your thumb in their forearm pit (if that’s a technical term) so they can circle out of it.  Finally, keep your forehead against their temple so you still have control there.

From here, you have three options of taking them down.  First, if you’re already slightly above them, you can step back and snap them down (or to the side) where they land in turtle position.  If you snap straight down, you can get the back by sprawling on top of them, (details get a little fuzzy from here, sorry) control their elbow with one arm, hook around their neck with the other arm and spin to their back.   One thing to note, if you snap straight down, a good wrestler might catch you with a double leg if you’re not careful.   If you snap to the side, they’re already out-of-the-way so all you need to do get their back.  Second option if you’re under them or they’re if they’re big, you can lift their arm up to slide under it.  Your grip on their neck shifts down to their waist and you step to their back and congrats, you have a rear clinch.  Final option, you can go around.   You step to whatever side has control of the neck and that arm scoops around the knee and you can pull them down, use your other arm to trip them etc.   All in all not bad.

In Kickboxing, it was a boxing day.   Think I missed the warm up but first thing was some pros and cons to the boxing stance.  The got is because you sit down on your punches, you get a lot of power out of it and overall the best stance to throw and block punches.  Down side is it leaves the legs exposed for leg kicks and since that’s were most of the punching power comes from, not good but it comes with the territory.  First thing we worked was throwing a jab from the bounce.  I’ve never liked the bounce because I thought it used up too much energy to do constantly but it didn’t…at all.  Still having problems snapping the punch at the end so something to work on.  Next, we worked a one – two, jump back to avoid a counter jab.  The thing that got me with this is I never really turned out completely with my right foot for the two, and when I did, it made it hard to jump back (landed on my ankle one time).  Next, we scoop caught a front kick to step out and counter with the two.  The important thing here is to plant that right foot as you step so you load up for the two.


Moving on to some kick defense, we blocked a lead leg roundhouse and countered with a one-two.  You use the meat of your right arm to meet the kick to take some sting off (and off-balance some) as you bounce forward with the one (for distraction) and finish with the two.  For the Thai rear leg roundhouse, you bounce back, and move in with a  double one-two as they finish their spin.  I must admit the double one threw me off.  Just have to make sure I chamber back for each punch.  Finally, last thing we worked was using the catch block to a punch and come in with the one-two.  The important note here was to step back a half step as you catch block to take the sting off the blow (especially if you do it with no gloves) and so you’re still in range to fire back. If you want the best kickboxing and jiu jitsu instruction in

Kickboxing and jiu jitsu instruction in Augusta


Training Memoirs: Day 21

Judo Classes Augusta

I’m Ready For These Judo Classes Augusta

By: Terrance Barber

May 24, 2011 at 4:59pm

   I’m not gonna lie, yesterday wasn’t an easy day for me, so on top that and training for a kempo tourney (if my money comes in time) I was beat on just about every level of judo wasn’t as smooth as I wanted it to be.

My mind was jumping place to place while I was waiting, but I caught bits and pieces of what the other classes where doing.   Beginners Jiu Jitsu were learning to work a what appeared to be getting a deeper leg triangle by grabbing their opponents opposite arm (from my orientation, you get their left arm).  *WARNING:  This is only what I think I saw and may not be what actually occurred.  Don’t try this at home and seek proper instruction if you wish to learn.*  Intermediate/Advanced Jiu-Jitsu built off of the leg triangle concept into a trap if they try to get out.   Instead of putting your bent leg on the tag of their shirt, you move that leg and put your shin on the same side of their neck (ex: your left leg on *their* left side carotid).  You swing your other leg to their other carotid and act like your legs are the blades on a pair of scissors.

In the boxing ring I saw a girl (Kelli Cooper I believe) from my high school psychology class wrap up and hit the pads like pro.  Tight technique, footwork, the whole thing.  At one point, she put on the pads and was helping to coach Kesha (who leads cardio kickboxing at times and is all around a beastly fighter), helping her tighten up her technique and telling her to get more aggressive.   It was quite shocking (and a little scary) so if you take one thing away from this, learn not to mess with anyone, first to be a good person, and secondly because you never know who could be training at Greubels.

 Loved my judo classes Augusta

Now to judo.  It was only me and Andrew (looks like the most senior ranked student).  First thing for the warm up was to learn how to slide your feet (front/back/side-to-side) without picking up your feet (or get swept).  As opposed to a kickboxing or kenpo stance, your feet are fairly close, and often times parallel with each other.  Then I learned (Andrew already knew) how to switch stance during a grapple so you don’t get swept.  Watch the shift in their torso movement and not so much the feet.  Then after that I was a throwing dummy for a bit (me and Andrew where doing different throws for practice and I decided I was gonna focus more on what I had to do) and got more practice breaking a fall (there was one slip up where I landed chest forward and flat.  Gotta love padding).


Judo Throw

My throw (I don’t think I got a name anymore official than a shoulder throw) was to grip the seam of his gi sleeve (underhanded grab on the wrist) and bring your wrist up like you were looking at your watch.  Then step in with your foot in between his legs and shoot your same side arm up under his arm pit and trap it (ex: your right out step should be parallel to his right instep and you shoot up your right arm under his right armpit).  Don’t turn toward the direction you want to throw yet (as you progress, you could have other options at this point).  Once you plan to commit, pin his arm to your chest, circle your other leg around (the left if you’re following the example) and bring it so your feet and knees parallel and close (almost touching) and drop straight down with your back straight.  DO.  NOT.  LOOK.  DOWN.  (Guess what I was doing wrong).   Drop down about under their waist level (but the lower you drop, the easier the throw is on you…trust me).  Try to make your shoulder (the right in my example) touch the ground and you mostly got yourself a throw.

Then is came time to free grapple and I had my heart tested and questioned.  Got taken to the ground a few times and tried to switch to Jiu-Jitsu for a submission (but the point is to get a throw).  I got a reversal at one point I took a few hard slams and after a certain point (between a combination of a lot of things) I didn’t think I could get a throw off.  Sensei Elms called me out on it and not being one to want to disappoint (it wasn’t pretty and I think Andrew let me have it) but I got the throw off.

Definitely learned two things.  1.  Doing what’s right in one context at the wrong time is still the wrong thing.  And 2.  Check your personal problems at the door.  It’ll still be there after the business you need to take care of needs to get done.


Greubel’s MMA sends 6 fighetrs to K-1 and Low Kick World Championships

No other kickboxing tournament in the WORLD is as prestigious, or has as many participants from different countries competing for TRUE WORLD TOURNAMENT TITLES! WAKO IS THE WORLD’s largest kickboxing sanctioning body, and it’s world tournament actually has the top kickboxing talent in the WORLD competing in it’s amateur tournament. This and taken at the 2013 wako k-1 and low kick world championships! 6 fighters from Augusta, GA participated in this prestigious kickboxing tournament!

Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta

Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta

Do you think you can handle Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta?

Continued for Kickboxing…

cardio kickboxing group shot

   Because there was an odd number of people and cardio kickboxing classes Augusta, wasn’t going on, we had a little sneak preview…and it was killer.

Because there was no having to switch pads and putting on gloves, it was combo after combo.  We mostly worked starting and ending with a kick (ending with a thai rear leg roundhouse if memory serves correct), with a cross-lead hook in between.  The starting kicks where to teach us how to transition between thai and karate kicks (ex. karate snap kick into a thai switch roundhouse).  The thai style kicks where getting a little better, but between begin completely gassed (I hadn’t eaten much earlier that day) and the pain from going full force on the heavy bag it…I’ll be honest it was hard to keep going.  I think Alan was the only one that kept a consistent pace.  After seeing everyone pretty much wiped, we scaled back to doing single strikes.  Karate kicks weren’t that hard on the body so I could use my feet on them (still a little sore though) but that was the large of it.

But this definitely put a lot of stuff in perspective and gave me a deeper respect for the cardio kickboxing class.  I see some (hear a lot more) of what they do and it was a world apart from their class.  If and when I test out I definitely gotta give it a go cause my body was not gonna keep up at that pace.  In theory, proper technique will trump strength and size no question, but what good is technique if your body can’t keep up?  Let’s just say you have a lumberjack and he needs to cut down a tree.  If his chain saw is dull and rusty, it could take a lot longer then it could have (and possibly be dangerous) for him to start chopping stuff.  At the same time, he could have a brand new, scientifically designed chain saw, but only has enough gas to take down a handful of trees. In a fight, it wouldn’t matter if I was technically superior to my than my opponent, if I don’t have the fuel to use my tools, I’ll still lose.  Worse yet, they wouldn’t have defeated me, I would have defeated myself due to lack of preparation.  At the end of the day, which one is more effective?  Ideally you want both, but neither is more important than the other, they work hand in hand.

   Don’t forget to fuel up for your Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta?

    And while we’re on the topic of fuel, diet is key as well.  I was rushing that morning to get to class and didn’t have much of a chance to eat so on top of the high intensity, I had nothing to keep me going.   On a little more personal note, had I had more calcium in my diet (being partial lactose intolerant doesn’t make it easy) my legs wouldn’t have been in pain.  I’ve been kicked in the shin a lot so my nerves shouldn’t have been that sensitive (by about the third combo, my whole shin was feeling it) so proper prep before training maximizes the entire process. So the question remains… Do you think you can handle Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta?



Best Kickboxing School in Augusta, GA

Kickboxing Augusta, GA

Kickboxing Augusta, GA-Sends 2 to Compete in World Kickboxing Championships in Antalya Turkey-Wins Silver Medal

Greubel’s MMA in Augusta, GA is easily considered one of the strongest kickboxing camps in the United States. It is home to some of the finest kickboxers in the United States as well as the WAKO USA head kickboxing coach, Mark Greubel. This year Greubel’s MMA was honored to be a part of the U.S. team and took 2 kickboxers to Antalya, Turkey to compete in this years WAKO full contact rules, World championships! 7 time IKF World Classic Champion Nathan Key is one of them, as well as Nathan’s team mate, Lakesha Springle. Nathan is  the FIRST PERSON EVER to win the IKF tournament 7 times, and the first person to ever win it 6 times was John Greubel, a former co-owner of Greubel’s MMA who had separated himself from the company over six years ago. Nathan is also the FIRST PERSON EVER to win the IKF triple crown (champion in ALL 3 rule styles-Lowkick-Full Contact-Muay Thai) Current owner, Mark Greubel is the head coach of the WAKO USA kickboxing team and has a slew of other champion fighters that train at Greubel’s MMA on a regular basis and call the Augusta gym home. At 43 years of age Stevie Dement, Key’s team mate and captain of the WAKO USA lowkick/K-1 team that fought in Brazil this year, is another example of the pedigree of athlete Greubel’s MMA’s successful kickboxing program has produced. In 2011, Stevie fought in Dublin, Ireland and won a BRONZE medal just a couple of weeks shy of his 42nd birthday. Unlike other big city gyms that get quality kickboxers from all over the world that come to train and find opportunity by being promoted by a big time gym, Greubel’s gym actually takes fighters that and mold them from start to finish and produce champion fighters with consistent regularity. This year Nathan Key had an incredible run this week at the 2013 WAKO World Kickboxing Championships in Antalya, Turkey, but lost a close decision today in the Gold Medal match against France’s Edouard Bernadou. We are so proud of this very talented fighter and the way he represents Team USA.  If you would like to see his final match just go to this link. Afterwards, tell us what you think of the judges decision.

Kickboxing Augusta, GA has a strong competitor in KEY


Nathan Key wins SILVER!

Nathan is bringing home WAKO USA Kickboxing’s first silver medal at a World Championship Tournament in 8 years. Congratulations Nathan Key! Everyone that is interested in Kickboxing Augusta, GA should immediately call Greubel’s MMA and experience first hand the world class instruction they offer!


MMA in Augusta GA

MMA in Augusta GA

Greubel’s MMA in Augusta GA 

UFC light heavy weight champ, Forest Griffin with Nathan "SHOWSTOPPER" Key

UFC light heavy weight champ, Forest Griffin with Nathan “SHOWSTOPPER” Key clowning around Greubel’s MMA in Augusta GA

If you are interested in Mixed Martial Arts MMA training in Augusta, Georgia, YOU DESERVE THE BEST.

Call Greubels MMA today to take advantage of our 30 Day FREE Trial Offer! You heard us right, we’ll offer you 30 days for FREE to train like a champion at Greubels MMA. No strings attached. No gimmicks. 30 days FREE of world class instruction. Need more than that? How does this sound? We’ll throw in:

FREE Private Lesson to help you on your way


FREE Instructional Video

FREE Early bird Starter Special if you call now! 706-737-0911

10 Reasons To Try MMA At Greubel’s MMA Augusta GA

1. 30-Day Free Trial & 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We can prove our program up-and-down and give you examples of happily-involved students’ success stories (which you’ll see below), but wouldn’t you agree the best way to really see if our program will meet your needs is to come see for yourself for 30 days absolutely FREE?

2. Shows You How To Defend Yourself

You’ll learn how to defend yourself on the street, if an attacker grabs you, and you’ll discover how to handle things once a fight goes to the ground – whether you’re on the top or on the bottom… and even if your attacker is much bigger and stronger than you are. Because MMA encompasses all aspects of fighting, you’ll be able to handle yourself in the striking range (punches and kicks), up close in the clinching range (knees, elbows, positional control) and if the fight goes to the ground (whether you’re on the top or the bottom). You’ll learn how to finish fights using devastating submission holds like chokes and arm locks as well as how to setup the knockout shots that will send your opponent/attacker crumbling to the ground in a heap.

3. Encourages Fat Loss

By training Greubel’s MMA Augusta GA, you’ll be using 100% of your body at all times. That means your cardio will get better along with your overall body strength, resulting in fat loss. By practicing MMA you will work every single muscle in your body – doing that burns a lot of calories, which in turn burns a lot of fat. The more fat you lose, the more defined your muscles become and you’ll not only feel better, you’ll look amazing!

4. Builds Strength, Power & Endurance

You will strengthen and develop muscles you never even knew existed! But don’t let that scare you…it’s a good thing… because instead of building up useless, bloated gym muscles, you’ll develop real, functional muscles and functional strength by doing sport-specific exercises… while still being able to make your body look fantastic.

5. Develops Focus & Mental Toughness

It takes a degree of mental toughness to put yourself in uncomfortable positions on the mat. When someone is trying to control you, it can get even more uncomfortable – especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, by learning MMA, you’ll feel more in control of your body and your mind, and the uncomfortable positions will soon become “no problem.” That gives you one heck of an edge over possible attackers and/or opponents.

6. Improves Your Cardio & Conditioning

You’ll get in kick-butt shape training Greubel’s MMA Augusta GA with us. Just by coming to practice and learning the principles and techniques, your body will start to transform and your muscles will condition themselves to handle the training. You’ll notice your cardio and breathing getting better, your lungs will get stronger and you’ll feel your muscles get more toned. A bonus of all that is that not only will you feel better, you’ll look better… and people WILL notice.

7. Increases Your Flexibility

You won’t become muscle-bound and stiff like many people do who just lift weights all the time. You’ll still build strength training MMA while at the same time becoming more flexible. You don’t have to be flexible to start training MMA – with regular training you’ll become more flexible.

8. Reduces Stress

It’s a fact that regular exercise is not only healthy – it’s a key element in reducing stress in your life. A problem with plain-old “gym workouts” is that they usually get pretty boring – but not with MMA training – with MMA training, you’re in a positive environment of constant learning (which is another key element in stress reduction). You’re getting taught by our trained instructors to continually get better each and every time you step on our mats… and not only that, you’ll have coaches and teammates helping you along the way. So if you’ve had a stressful day, you can rest assured your stress levels will be reduced the minute you walk into our academy.

9. Doesn’t Get Boring… FACT: MMA Training Can Be FUN!

Our students are having a ton of fun learning MMA. Let’s face it. Going to a regular gym can be boring, especially when you’re going through the same old routine day in and day out. Instead of walking from machine to machine like some kind of zombie, you’ll be able to actually learn something that could save your life while at the same time getting in spectacular shape and learning to defend yourself. You’ll be constantly learning and applying techniques that could save your life and you’ll be doing it in an atmosphere that promotes fun and learning.

10. Increases Self Confidence

Once you start seeing your results from training MMA with us you’ll notice that your self-confidence will have no bounds (especially when you got compliments from people who hardly paid attention to you before). Our happily-involved students have eliminated fear and (many come to use because they want to be rest assured knowing they can walk down the street knowing full well they can handle themselves in a fight or physical confrontation) Created a more powerful self image. By channeling your energy into something positive, you – and others – will notice something “different” about you. Your self confidence will become “unshakeable!”

      I opened Greubel’s MMA in Augusta, GA on Dec. 5 of 2005. My vision was to run a martial arts facility with everything you needed to be a COMPLETE MARTIAL ARTIST! Since 2005, Greubel’s Mixed Martial Arts in Augusta, GA has transformed thousands of students’ lives by empowering them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to do things they never in a 1000 years thought  they would be able to. We develop and nurture a lifestyle in our student body that sets forth positive changes for the rest of their lives. Greubel’s Mixed Martial Arts kickboxing program is easily one of the best kickboxing programs in the country. Mark Greubel has produced 32 IKF World Classic kickboxing champions in the last 7 years. That is more than any other coach in the world! Most of the students he turned into champions started with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE at all! While we are proud to have such a successful competition kickboxing team, we are most proud of our ability to teach people with absolutely NO EXPERIENCE what so ever! Our beginner curriculum skillfully guides you through every step of your kickboxing journey. In our classes we don’t just “wing it”. Every class is different than the one before it and it has been planned in advance. We have taken people that have described themselves as having no athletic ability and totally uncoordinated and turned them into WORLD CHAMPIONS!

    Greubel’s MMA in Augusta GA is also the ALLIANCE Augusta jiu jitsu school.

The benefits of Greubels MMA Brazilian Jiu Jitsu programs are amazing!  Our team is focused on bringing the absolute BEST out of each individual! We are dedicated to providing a fun and safe training environment for everyone! The entire team at Greubels MMA is excited to have the opportunity to promote and develop healthier lifestyles in the community by offering quality Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! Greubels MMA is a proud official representative of Strongest Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team “Alliance” who is home to world class fighters like Rubens “Cobrinha” Charles (10 time world champion, 6 of which in black belt division), Marcelo Garcia (over 5 time world Champion, ADCC champion), Malfacine, Terere, Bernardo Faria, Gabi Garcia, Luanna Alzuguir, Fernando Gurgel, Gigi, Felipe Neto, Cobrinha, Lucas Lepri, Tarsis Humphries, Micheal Lungi, Soluco, Ian McPherson, Rafael Rosenda, Chris Moriarty, Babs, Sergio Moraes, Batista, Diogo, Vlad Williams, Ed Kennedy and many others.

doesn’t matter if you’re older or young, if you’re big and looking to lose weight or small and looking to build strength… it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female… or even if you want to compete or not (and in our program, you don’t need to want to compete; most people who want to try BJJ aren’t interested in competition)… in shape or out of shape, ALL are welcome…

As a matter of fact, there are all kinds of people from right here in Augusta , Georgia discovering the benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) training at Greubels MMA, and if you haven’t checked it out for yourself yet, then, well, you’re missing out big time.

Because while BJJ will teach you how to defend yourself once a fight gets in the grappling range or on the ground, it also gets you in great shape, builds strength and flexibility, and is pretty darn fun, too.

Shows You How To Defend Yourself – You’ll learn how to defend yourself on the street, if an attacker grabs you, and you’ll discover how to handle things once a fight goes to the ground – whether you’re on the top or on the bottom… and even if your attacker is much bigger and stronger than you  are. Because BJJ is based on using superior leverage and body positioning to overcome bigger stronger attackers, it is one of the most important martial arts to learn

Encourages Fat Loss – BJJ is a martial art that focuses on total body positioning, meaning you’re using 100% of your body at all times to maximize its effectiveness. That means your cardio will get better along with your overall body strength, resulting in fat loss. By practicing BJJ you will work every single muscle in your body – doing that burns a lot of calories, which in turn burns a lot of fat.

Builds Strength, Power & Endurance – You will strengthen and develop muscles you never even know existed! But don’t let that scare you…it’s a good thing… because instead of building up useless, bloated gym muscles, you’ll develop real, functional muscles and functional strength by doing sport-specific exercises… while still being able to make your body look fantastic.

Develops Mental Toughness – It takes a degree of mental toughness to put yourself in uncomfortable positions at the mat. When someone is trying to control you, it can get even more uncomfortable – especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, by learning BJJ and applying the concepts, you’ll feel more in control of your body and your mind, and the uncomfortable positions will soon become no problem.

Improves Your Cardio & Conditioning – You’ll get in kick-butt shape learning how to do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with us. Just by coming to practice and learning the moves, your body will start to transform and your muscles will condition themselves to handle the training. You’ll notice your cardio and breathing getting better, your lungs will get stronger and you’ll feel your muscles get more toned. A bonus of all that is that not only will you feel better, you’ll look better… and people WILL notice.

Increases Your Flexibility – You won’t become muscle-bound and stiff like many people do who just lift weights all the time. You’ll still build strength training BJJ while at the same time become more flexible. You don’t have to be flexible to start training BJJ.

Reduces Stress – It’s a fact that regular exercise is not only healthy – it’s a key element in reducing stress in your life. A problem with plain-old “gym workouts” is that they usually get pretty boring – but not with BJJ training – with BJJ training, you’re in a positive environment of constant learning (which is another key element in stress reduction). You’re getting taught by our trained instructors to continually get better each and every time you step on our mats… and not only that, you’ll have coaches and teammates helping you along the way. So if you’ve had a stressful day, you can rest assured your stress levels will be reduced the minute you walk into our academy.

Doesn’t Get Boring… In Fact, It’s FUN! – Our students are having a ton of fun learning BJJ. Let’s face it. Going to a regular gym can be boring, especially when you’re going through the same old routine day in and day out. Instead of walking from machine to machine like some kind of zombie, you’ll be able to actually learn something that could save your life while at the same time getting in spectacular shape and learning to defend yourself. You’ll be constantly learning and applying techniques that could save your life and you’ll be doing it in an atmosphere that promotes fun and learning.

Greubel’s MMA in Augusta GA is committed to providing you with the very best results you can possibly receive in your martial arts training!