
North American Kickboxing Championships Held in Toronto, Canada this year!

WAKO North American Tournament Scheduled for May 31 – June 1 in Toronto, Canada

                              WAKO North American Tournament Scheduled for May 31 – June 1 in Toronto, Canada

Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 2014 WAKO North American Championships in Toronto, Ontario, Canada May 31 – June 1, 2014. This will be an incredible event as this tournament takes place during the Toronto Supershow and will feature competition in five (5) rule styles: Light Contact, KICK-LIGHT, Full Contact, Low Kick, and K1 Rules. Divisions will be separated by experience (Novice: 0-9 Bouts & Open: 10+ Bouts) and by age (10-12yrs, 13-15yrs, 16-18yrs, 19yrs +)

The Toronto Supershow has modeled itself after the Arnold Classic with a series of sporting competitions under the same roof. The Supershow has the largest fitness expo in Canada. There will be over 100 booths featuring nutrition, training and fitness products. The other events will include: Powerlifting, Arm Wrestling, Strength Contests, Women’s Fitness, Women’s Bodybuilding, Men’s Bodybuilding.

For more information on the PRO SUPERSHOW events please go to the event website:


To register for the tournament, use the registration forms below. There is a separate form for each athlete. Please make copies if needed.


All corner persons must register to work any athlete’s corner. Coaches will receive a coaching pass that will allow them access to the venue on all three days. Please see the Coaches Registration form below.


All teams must book themselves into the North American Championship Host Hotel directly: Bond Place Hotel – 65 Dundas Street East | Toronto, Ontario | Phone Number +1 (416) 362.6063. Mention the North American Kickboxing Championship when booking for our special rate.

Expect lots of media coming to cover the first North American Championship. Make this a weekend trip for your club! You can participate in the WAKO tournament; watch other sporting events, enjoy the Fitness Expo – all while enjoying the excitement of downtown Toronto! Be a part of history!

2014 WAKO North American Kickboxing Championships Poster

Invitation Letter.pdf

Information at a Glance.pdf

Fighter Registration Form.pdf

Coaches Registration Form.pdf


Greubel’s MMA sends 6 fighetrs to K-1 and Low Kick World Championships

No other kickboxing tournament in the WORLD is as prestigious, or has as many participants from different countries competing for TRUE WORLD TOURNAMENT TITLES! WAKO IS THE WORLD’s largest kickboxing sanctioning body, and it’s world tournament actually has the top kickboxing talent in the WORLD competing in it’s amateur tournament. This and taken at the 2013 wako k-1 and low kick world championships! 6 fighters from Augusta, GA participated in this prestigious kickboxing tournament!

Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta

Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta

Do you think you can handle Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta?

Continued for Kickboxing…

cardio kickboxing group shot

   Because there was an odd number of people and cardio kickboxing classes Augusta, wasn’t going on, we had a little sneak preview…and it was killer.

Because there was no having to switch pads and putting on gloves, it was combo after combo.  We mostly worked starting and ending with a kick (ending with a thai rear leg roundhouse if memory serves correct), with a cross-lead hook in between.  The starting kicks where to teach us how to transition between thai and karate kicks (ex. karate snap kick into a thai switch roundhouse).  The thai style kicks where getting a little better, but between begin completely gassed (I hadn’t eaten much earlier that day) and the pain from going full force on the heavy bag it…I’ll be honest it was hard to keep going.  I think Alan was the only one that kept a consistent pace.  After seeing everyone pretty much wiped, we scaled back to doing single strikes.  Karate kicks weren’t that hard on the body so I could use my feet on them (still a little sore though) but that was the large of it.

But this definitely put a lot of stuff in perspective and gave me a deeper respect for the cardio kickboxing class.  I see some (hear a lot more) of what they do and it was a world apart from their class.  If and when I test out I definitely gotta give it a go cause my body was not gonna keep up at that pace.  In theory, proper technique will trump strength and size no question, but what good is technique if your body can’t keep up?  Let’s just say you have a lumberjack and he needs to cut down a tree.  If his chain saw is dull and rusty, it could take a lot longer then it could have (and possibly be dangerous) for him to start chopping stuff.  At the same time, he could have a brand new, scientifically designed chain saw, but only has enough gas to take down a handful of trees. In a fight, it wouldn’t matter if I was technically superior to my than my opponent, if I don’t have the fuel to use my tools, I’ll still lose.  Worse yet, they wouldn’t have defeated me, I would have defeated myself due to lack of preparation.  At the end of the day, which one is more effective?  Ideally you want both, but neither is more important than the other, they work hand in hand.

   Don’t forget to fuel up for your Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta?

    And while we’re on the topic of fuel, diet is key as well.  I was rushing that morning to get to class and didn’t have much of a chance to eat so on top of the high intensity, I had nothing to keep me going.   On a little more personal note, had I had more calcium in my diet (being partial lactose intolerant doesn’t make it easy) my legs wouldn’t have been in pain.  I’ve been kicked in the shin a lot so my nerves shouldn’t have been that sensitive (by about the third combo, my whole shin was feeling it) so proper prep before training maximizes the entire process. So the question remains… Do you think you can handle Cardio Kickboxing Classes Augusta?